Questions About The Forgiveness Program Affiliate Program

What is the Forgiveness Program Affiliate Program?

The Forgiveness Program Affiliate Program is a win/win promotional opportunity. When you share the Forgiveness Program with your friends, family, clients, community & tribe, you will receive a 40% commission on each purchase completed.

What are the steps to join the Forgiveness Program Affiliate Program?

When you click on the "Join" link, you will be taken to a secure login/registration webpage ( where you will enter an email address and password under the "Registration" section. Then you will be sent an activation code which you will use to login to your affiliate account. You will be asked for your PayPal email address to setup your commission payments. Finally, you will be prompted to your affiliate link code for the Forgiveness Program. You may post this link on your website or in your emails to direct people to the Forgiveness Program website.

How will I be able to track my sales and commissions?

When someone clicks on the link with your unique Affiliate ID Code, they will be taken to the Forgiveness Program website. A "cookie" is set that will last for 3 months and connect the sale to your Affiliate ID Code. When the purchase of the Forgiveness Program has been completed, your commission will be automatically tabulated for

tabulated for payment to you. You will be able to monitor your sales when you login to the same webpage (see last question) where you registered for the Affiliate Program.

How will my commissions be paid to me?

Payment will be made through the PayPal system. You must be registered with PayPal (free registration) to receive your commissions. Commissions will be paid monthly, at the end of the month following the month the sale was completed, e.g., the commission for a sale completed on April 12th will be paid on May 31st. Payments will be made from my PayPal account which is under the name "Own Your Mission" which will show up on sales credit cards as "PayPal*YOURMISSION".

Is there a fee to be a Forgiveness Program Affiliate?

No, there is no fee or charge to become an Affiliate.

I have a different question!

For other logistical or informational questions you might have about the Forgiveness Program, please use the "Contact" link at the bottom of this (and every) page. I will do my best to reply within 24 hours or less. If your question is of a significantly more technical nature about the Affiliate Program, while I am happy to share what I know with you, you might do better contacting technical support at

Thank You For Your Interest In Becoming An Affiliate Of The Forgiveness Program